"...the events of September 11 brought home to me the immediacy of blogging. We ran ongoing coverage, submitted via SMS to my e-mail, as one of our own made her way from the dust..."
Thought: We need to address the importance in mobile communication and the advances that have been made in this field. By using text messaging, data transmission, etc. from cell phones, blog are able to move towards a news reporting style that helps to make the content socially relevant.
[on blog formatting] "...visitors can catch up by simply reading down the page until they reach a link they saw on their last visit."
Thought: This reminds me of one of the points expressed by Nick Floro in his Web 2.0 presentation at MacWorld 2008. The idea that what makes designs and technology work is that it is easy to use and intuitive. Users can easily get to what they want without having to sift through tons of additional information.
"...Will Richardson also expressed his doubts: "By its very nature, assigned blogging in schools cannot be blogging. It's contrived."
Thought: Well this may be true. But, the value resides in the ability to get students familiar with the technology (assuming they currently are not) and providing first hand experience with building online communities through student to student communication. To use an old metaphor, it's similar to 'bringing a horse to water, but you can't make it drink'. The value can reside in the fact that at least now they know water exists.